Describe it...
One of my girls said that she would love to have a dance party for her birthday. And so we did!! We had a floor/core event, where our floor (3 South), and the 2 freshman core on my floor (Core 16 and Core 24) were invited to come to a Blacklight Dance Party! Since it was an organized dance party, and it was coed, I had to apply for it through SDL and obtain an approved playlist. So, I reserved the RCF for the evening and we had our floor/core blacklight dance party!! We also had some snacks. So much funnn!!
Location Location Location...
RCF - Ralph Carey Forum - lower level of the Student Center
Number that Attended:
way too many to keep count!! People not in my floor or either of the cores also came! Great fun!!
Posters, facebook page, emails.
I also told the PAs of the 2 cores to tell it to their core kids!
The birthday girl, some of her friends, some girls from my floor, and one of the PAs helped with set up.
same people who set up also cleaned up. Also, some of the boys from one of the cores helped in putting the room back to order at the end of the dance party.
$ (insert event cost here)
didn't really keep an exact amount. But I would say just a few dollars for snacks.
Positive Outcomes:
such a FUN event. Great times dancing and just being ourselves. It was great to see the girls to feel so free and just dance around. The cores are very close to each other so they just had a lot of fun dancing around together.
What would you have done differently?
Nothing at all!
Would You Do This Activity Again?
For sure for sure!!