Friday, November 9, 2012

Door Stop Decorating!

Describe it...
Girls painted their wooden door stops while socializing, listening to Disney music, and drinking apple cider.

Location Location Location... 
Gainey 3 South Hallway!

Number that Attended: 

Posters, FB group post, word of mouth

 All that had to be done to set up is get the paint and paint brushes from the RA office, get the cider and plastic cups, and put newspaper on the ground so the paint didn't get on the carpet. We just set everything up in the hallway.

 Girls helped clean up everything in the hallway and wash out paintbrushes.

 Only about $5 for the cider. The door stops were donated, and the paint & paintbrushes were borrowed from Gainey!

Positive Outcomes: 
The girls got to know each other better, had fun, and now have pretty, colorful, & fun door stops!

What would you have done differently
 This event was on a Friday night, so I would probably do it a different night so that more girls would have showed up.

Would You Do This Activity Again?  
Yes indeed!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ice Cream Night

Describe it...  
 We used anna's homemade ice cream maker and made ice cream. 
Location Location Location... 
 the front side walk
Number that Attended: 
 posters and face book event
 buy stuff?
$ (insert event cost here)
Positive Outcomes: 
What would you have done differently
 never done it again.
Would You Do This Activity Again?  
 no. nobody wanted to shake the thing and it was a mess. they also complained when it took too long.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Coffee House

Describe it...  
Coffee house style open mic night/ talent show
Location Location Location... 
conference room

Number that Attended: 

posters,  email

reserve conference room, set up conference room (took like an hour), buy food and coffee, make coffee,

tear down, clean,

$ (insert event cost here)
$$$$$$ but worth it

Positive Outcomes: 
goofing off is fun! the girls really enjoyed it.

What would you have done differently
more advertising!

Would You Do This Activity Again?  


Describe it...  
J-term trip for Applebee's half-offs!
Location Location Location... 
Jackson Applebee's

Number that Attended: 

posters, email, word of mouth (I had like 12 girls for jterm)



$ (insert event cost here)

Positive Outcomes: 
it was nice. quick, but relaxing and fun

What would you have done differently
hmmm, asked what days worked best?

Would You Do This Activity Again?  

Finals Party!

Describe it...  
We made ballons, filled them with glitter and candy, and wrote the names of finals/projects on them. Then, we taped them to our doors and popped them as we finished. We also had snacks and christmas music while we made them. Lots of girls came too because we were in the middle of everything.
Location Location Location... 
The middle of the hall.

Number that Attended: 
at least 20

posters, email, fb event

buy candy and balloons and glitter, make cards.

vacuum for 2 weeks.
glitter. was. everywhere.

$ (insert event cost here)
maybe like $20

Positive Outcomes: 
we had a great time! and popping balloons was wonderfully fulfilling

What would you have done differently
maybe no glitter, it took me forever to vaccuum.

Would You Do This Activity Again?  

Off Campus Game Night

Describe it...  
We went off campus for a game night! We had snacks and played games and chilled with Debbie Drake, who runs Logos 1:28.
Location Location Location... 
Karl and Debbie Drake's House

Number that Attended: 

not enough. emails and a few posters.

find people to drive, buy some snacks


$ (insert event cost here)
$$- food

Positive Outcomes: 
we had a great time! it was great to bond with an adult too!

What would you have done differently
Maybe personal invites,.

Would You Do This Activity Again?  
maybe, it's hard to get off campus and get big attendance.

Trunk or Treat!!

Describe it...  
We did trunk or treat with SAFMC. We bought candy and used my car. WE got to dress up and takes pictures. How fun! Plus the kiddos are adorable!!
Location Location Location... 

Number that Attended: 
Around 12, throughout the evening

posters, calls, email

contact the church, buy candy, get decorations and costumes

put my car away!

$ (insert event cost here)
$- the church helped with candy supply!

Positive Outcomes: 
we had a great time! goofing off is sometimes the best bonding. plus we got to serve others!

What would you have done differently
Maybe personal invites, make sure I didn't have night class that night... oops.

Would You Do This Activity Again?  