Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Home Alone Christmas Party

Describe it...  
Plenty of food, friends and the viewing of Home Alone 2! 
With...Tons of food, chips, dip, 3 flavors of popcorn in a tin, 6 liters of pop! 

Location Location Location... Beta Lounge

Number that Attended:
 35 (approx.)

 Posters on each door. 


Positive Outcomes:
 Everyone enjoyed being together before finals just to have fun! 

What would you have done differently?
 Had it earlier at night (the event began at 10:00pm) 

Would You Do This Activity Again? Yes, Tyler (My brother RA) and I had a lot of fun with set up and the event went over well with the guys & girls.

Bride Wars

Describe it...   
A trip to the Movies for a Chick Flick with the girls! 

Location Location Location... Jackson 10 
Click here to go to their website
Number that Attended:

 Resident (Kayla) took care of the posters. 

Set-Up: Set up a carpooling system. 


Positive Outcomes:
 Good amount of the floor went, and all enjoyed greatly! 

What would you have done differently?
 More promo 

Would You Do This Activity Again?  Yeah, great times, easy planning, no clean up! 

Christmas Party

Describe it...   
I made cakes with homemade frosting, we did a white elephant exchange and played a game to compete for a Sacred Grounds gift certificate. 

Location Location Location... Hall

Number that Attended:

 I put posters on every door. 


Positive Outcomes:
 The girls liked this a lot.  The white elephant was a lot of fun and they were really excited about the gift certificate. 

What would you have done differently?
 Make sure that everyone has the same type of gift-either gag or real. 

Would You Do This Activity Again?  Yes, it was a good break during exam week. 

Ice Cream Sundaes + Magnets

Describe it...   
We had really good ice cream sundaes with a lot of toppings and then we made magnets like the ones Anna has on her fridge. 

Location Location Location... Hall

Number that Attended:

 I put posters on every door.  


Positive Outcomes: The girls really enjoyed this because everyone likes ice cream.  To my surprise, they really liked the magnets and stuck around for hours making them. 

Would You Do This Activity Again?  Yes, I think that this was one of my best activities ever! 


Describe it...   
We had a bonfire with our sister and brother floors.  We had smores, hot dogs and hung out! 

Location Location Location... Andrew VanValin's House

Number that Attended:

 Posters in the hallwawy.


Positive Outcomes:
 People enjoyed this because we got to meet other people on campus and they were able to get off campus. 

Would You Do This Activity Again? Yes, everyone likes bonfires. 

Ice Cream Social

Describe it...   
Ice cream social.

Location Location Location... Hall

Number that Attended:


Positive Outcomes:
 Everyone loves ice cream

Would You Do This Activity Again?  Yes, it was a good way for the girls to get to know each other, I would do it right at the beginning of the year.  

Decorating Vases

Describe it...   

I found directions for making home-made vases in a craft magazine. We used paper mache to cover plastic bottles and then we used craft paint to decorate them.  We also ate brownies! 

Location Location Location... Hall

Number that Attended: 5

Publicity: Posters on the doors. 

Set-Up:  I put out supplies and made brownies. 

Clean-Up: I cleaned up!


Positive Outcomes: The girls that came really enjoyed the activity. 

What would you have done differentlyI would have made a example  vase so that the girls would have a better idea of what we were making-it would have been good for advertising. 

Would You Do This Activity Again?  No, because not a lot of girls came. 

Decorating Cookies at Floor Mom's

Describe it...  
We went to our Floor Mom's house and decorated sugar cookies. 

Location Location Location...
Floor Mom's House

Number that Attended: 2

Positive Outcomes: We had a lot of fun... the three of us.  The girls on the floor loved the cookies that we made! 

What would you have done differently? Maybe do it in the hallway not off campus. 

Would You Do This Activity Again?  No, I would do something different without our floor mom instead. 

Friday, October 22, 2010

Door Stops and Root Beer Floats

Describe it...  
I had the girls over to my house where we decorated rocks with tissue paper, glitter, ribbon and Mod Podge so that we could have fun door stops, then we had Root Beer floats.

Location Location Location... My house

Number that Attended: 15

Publicity: Posters, Facebook group

Set-Up: 10 minutes, taken care of by me! 

Clean-Up: My mom took care of it.

$ Mom covered the floats, so $5

Positive Outcomes: The girls really liked making the rocks, they talked the entire time and now they(the rocks) are outside of the doors.

What would you have done differently? Used rocks that were heavy enough to hold the doors. 

Would You Do This Activity AgainYes, but with a new floor because no one needs two door stops. 

Movie Night with Snacks

Describe it...  
We watched "My Best Friend's Wedding" and had snacks (popcorn with M&Ms and graham crackers with peanut butter)

Location Location Location... Gainey Lobby

Number that Attended: 15

Positive Outcomes: The girls really liked it.  They had a fun time just watching the movie together.  It helped that it was before fall break because no one really wanted to do homework. 

What would you have done differently? More M&Ms and Knives. 

Would You Do This Activity AgainI would because the girls really liked it even though it was a simple activity.  This was also good for a weekend because it was not super long and it was on campus so girls could come and go. 

Making Rice Bags

Describe it...  
We drove into Jackson together to pick out material for our rice bags.  Then we bought the rice.  Then we went back to our hallway were I taught them how to make rice bags.  I also made up some cookie dough and had popcorn for snacking.

Location Location Location... Hall/Jackson

Number that Attended: 6

Positive Outcomes: The girls really liked this.  We got to go shopping together and have fun in the store and then it was fun just sitting in the hallway and talked  randomly and listening to music. 

What would you have done differently? More advertising earlier. 

Would You Do This Activity AgainYes, because it got us off campus and we got to learn and build relationships with one another while we sewed. 

Games and Cookies

Describe it...  
I made a lot of cookies and we played board games in the hallway.

Location Location Location... Hall

Number that Attended: 12

Publicity: Posters in the hallway 


Positive Outcomes: The girls like it because they love cookies and Scatergories is a fun game! 

What would you have done differently? Maybe start a little earlier.

Would You Do This Activity AgainYes, because games are always fun! 

Dare to Be Great

Describe it...  
We went to the Parlour in Jackson to get a mini "Dare to Be Great" 

Location Location Location... The Parlour
Check out the Parlour's Website...

Number that Attended: 8

Publicity: Anna Zenz (SLA) took care of posters. 


Positive Outcomes: We liked this because it got us off campus again. 

What would you have done differently? Nothing

Would You Do This Activity Again? Yes, there is nothing better than Ice Cream! 

Fimo Pens

Describe it...  
I taught the girls how to make decorative pens with ballpoint pens + "Fimo" clay.  We also watched American Idol while we made the pens.

Location Location Location... A room in the hallway.

Number that Attended: 15

Publicity: Poster in the hall 


Positive Outcomes: The girls really likes making the pens, I several of them using the pens through out the semester. 

What would you have done differently? Nothing

Would You Do This Activity AgainI would do this again because it was very simple and fun!  


Denny's Breakfast

Describe it...  
We all went to breakfast Denny's but at 12:00am.  I bought an appetizer for the floor. 

Location Location Location... Denny's

Number that Attended: 9

Positive Outcomes: The girls like this because we got off campus.

What would you have done differently? Nothing

Would You Do This Activity AgainYes, it is simple and for some reason everything is funnier late at night! 


Meet the Brothers!

Describe it...  
A time to meet our brother floor and plan for Arbor Games

Location Location Location... Hall

Number that Attended: 20 from 2West and 30 from Gamma2

Publicity: Posters by the RAs 

Set-Up: Everyone from 2nd West

Clean-Up: Girls from 2nd West

Food: Enough for  50+ pizza, appetizers, and utensils

$Every girl pitched in for different pieces. 

Positive Outcomes: Great attendance --> many first introductions.  Arbor games was planned easily.

What would you have done differently? More food prep time, budgeting...

Would You Do This Activity AgainDefinitely a great first evernt!  It was awesome to hang out all together...

"It's Your Party" (Add Poster)

Describe it...
A time to celebrate all resident's birthdays! 

Location Location Location... 
The Jackson Ice Cream Parlor

Number that Attended: 13

Publicity: Posters + Facebook Page

Food:  Residents pay for their own treats!

Set-Up: Arrange Car Pool!


Positive Outcomes: Great bonding time, Atmosphere encouraged conversation. 

What would you have done differently? Move it to a night without open hours/not a prime homework night.

Would You Do This Activity AgainYes --> positive comments from all participants, no cost to floor, great way to introduce freshmen to the Parlor. 

Flavor Fruit Farms Trip

Describe it...  
A trip to Flavor Fruit Farms to get pumpkins, apple cider, and some homemade doughnuts!

Location Location Location... Flavor Fruit Farms 

Number that Attended: 3

Publicity: Posters, Facebook, RA


Positive Outcomes: Deeper bonding with a couple residents

What would you have done differently? Gone on a Saturday instead

Would You Do This Activity AgainYes, even though it was low, people who went enjoyed it! 


Gilmore Girls Marathon

Describe it...  

A marathon for season 1 of "Gilmore Girls" this event took place on two consecutive weekend days!

Location Location Location... Gainey Lobby

Number that Attended: Several came and went through out. 

Publicity: Posters


Positive Outcomes: Bonding with new girls, boredom buster for those not on fall break

What would you have done differently? More advertising!

Would You Do This Activity AgainYes--> girls loved it and there are 6 more seasons! 


Movie Night

Describe it...  
Chick Flicks--> "You've Got Mail" & "Runaway Bride"

Location Location Location... Gainey Lobby

Number that Attended: 6

Publicity: Posters by Andra

Food: Popcorn and pop

Set-Up: 10 minutes-?


Positive Outcomes: Girls liked it

What would you have done differently? More advertising!

Would You Do This Activity AgainYes, but I might make the movies more general so they attracted more residents.


Worship Night

Describe it...  
Stations in the hall for worshiping in various forms: listening, reading, encouragement, etc.

Location Location Location... Hall

Number that Attended: 8

Publicity: Anna Zenz (SLA) took care of posters. 

Set-Up: SLA took care of it! 

Clean-Up: SLA 


Positive Outcomes: Girls loved writing encouragement cards. 

What would you have done differently? More options with stretching (growth) opportunities

Would You Do This Activity AgainYes, girls came (unusual for our floor) and they seemed to appreciate the experience. 


Christmas Party

Describe it...  
A Christmas party with Gamma 2, Pizza, Cookies & Punch + Yankee Swap

Location Location Location... 
Gainey Lobby

Number that Attended: 40?

Publicity: Posters & Facebook

Food:  Enough for 50?

Set-Up: A few hours

Clean-Up: Willing Residents


Positive Outcomes: Great turnout & lots of laughs.

What would you have done differently? Better definition of Yankee Swap Click here if you don't know what that is!

Would You Do This Activity AgainAbsolutely!  Everyone enjoyed it and brother and sister floors love doing events together! 

Final-ly over

Describe it...  
A time to relax over pizza & pop in the hall.

Location Location Location... 
Our Hall! 

Number that Attended: 15+

Publicity: Facebook

Food: 6 pizzas & 2 liters of pop

Set-Up: Resident ordered pizzas an hour and a half in advance. 

Clean-Up: The Residents


Positive Outcomes: Girls loved it! Plus it was causal and easy!  Strengthened and easy
What would you have done differently? Figured out cheaper pizza

Would You Do This Activity AgainYes...it was effective and it went over well! 


Rice Night

Describe it...  
A Night to Share Rice, Fight World Hunger (Free Rice.com) & improve our vocab together! 

Location Location Location... Hall

Number that Attended: 5

Publicity: Posters

Food: Rice

Set-Up: Buying Rice

Clean-Up: Attendees!


Positive Outcomes: Donated more than 5,000 grains of rice, spent time with "hard to reach" residents. 

What would you have done differently? More advertising? RSVP

Would You Do This Activity AgainMaybe, it was easy, but maybe a bit expensive for the nature of the event. 

Cookies and Milk

Describe it...  
Kristy & Kori (2 Residents) made cookies for the other girls to be shared in the hall!

Location Location Location... 
Our Hall! 

Number that Attended:7

Publicity: K&K put signs on the doors

Food: 2 batches of cookies, oreos and a gallon of milk

Set-Up: K&K

Clean-Up: All Attendants


Positive Outcomes: Girls came out of their rooms to hang out int the hall, Girls loved it!  Fresh cookies and a study break! 

What would you have done differently? Made more cookies!

Would You Do This Activity AgainYes, K&K loved this opportunity to serve their friends in a fun way! 

Taco Bell Night

Describe it...  
We'll be catching up over some good ol' T-Bell!

Location Location Location... 
T Bell in Jax

Number that Attended: 8 + RA

Publicity: Facebook

$ Paid for by residents

Positive Outcomes: Girls that went enjoyed it...lots of laughs...reluctant to leave ! 

What would you have done differently? Set it on a night with less night class conflicts

Would You Do This Activity AgainAbsolutely, who doesn't need more Taco Bell in their life? 

Brother and Sister Ice Cream

Describe it...  
Gamma 2 & Gainey 2 West go for Ice Cream!

Location Location Location... 
Frosty Boy

Number that Attended: 15 (Including RAs)
Publicity: Facebook 
$ Paid by Residents

Positive Outcomes: People Loved it!

What would you have done differently? Picked a warmer night and a less busy time of year (ha ha)

Would You Do This Activity AgainYes, great casual time with both floors!