Thursday, April 14, 2011

Science and Stress

Describe it...  
This was one messy and fun event. The event was a science experiment and a stress ball. The science experiment was done with corn starch and water which was really awesome. The stress balls were made out of balloons and flour. Bascially there were two different stations and I showed the girls how to make the stress balls and then I showed them the science experiement.

Location Location Location... 
It was located in the hall and in the bathroom (science experiment)
Number that Attended: 
 8 Attended
 There posters up in the hallway and on the main doors.
 The set up was getting the balloons and the experiment ready which was having the corn starch in bowls and having the flour and balloons ready for filling.
 It was a messy clean up, the corn starch is easy to clean but it gets messy, making the stress balls was the messiest because flour got everywhere but vaccuming did the job.
$ (insert event cost here)
 The cost was less than $10
Positive Outcomes: 
 It was a good event to be messy and also make a stress ball, it was a needed time.
What would you have done differently
 Make sure that there is bags to put on the floor when making the stress balls and advertising for the event a little bit more.
Would You Do This Activity Again?  
I would do this activity again.

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